
Aug/Sept round up

Whew! There has been a lot happening around the Bin house.  I think we'll do this post by key points.

:: On August 14 we had our big ultrasound.  We have never found out what the gender of our kids were before they were born.  We didn't plan to find out this time either.  On our way to the ultrasound, Mr Bin jokingly said that he was going to find out and not tell me.  I said no way! If you know, I get to know.  With this more than likely being our last baby I was open to trying something different and finding out.

When we get to the hospital, Mr Bin tells the ultrasound tech that we only wanted to know if it was a girl.  Obviously that doesn't work because if she doesn't tell us then that means it's a boy.  We hemmed and hawed about finding out through the whole ultrasound.  At the very last second we did find out the gender of our baby.  I thought I would have a much more emotional reaction.  I actually felt kind of numb knowing.  I'm very happy with the outcome, but feel like we ruined the surprise a little.  The kicker is we aren't telling anyone.  Everyone thinks were on team green.  Even our parents don't know that we know.  So we'll see how long we keep it to ourselves.  Only problem now is that I can't stop buying clothes and obsessing about what to name them.

::  My brother had his little girl after waiting to be induced for days.  So happy baby I is here and I can not wait to meet her next week!

::  K1 started Kindergarten Prep on August 16.  He could have gone to Kindergarten, but would have been the youngest in his class.  We decided to put him in the 5 year old preschool class instead.

He REALLY didn't want to wear those shorts

So I decided to let him put the pants he REALLY wanted to wear on

Signing into his classroom

Much happier today

First day riding the bus

::  We had a family birthday party for both boys Labor Day weekend.

Opening presents


The whole fam damily

Cake time!

::  Sunday School started up again for the year yesterday.  I decided not to teach this year, but K2 is old enough to go this year so we got to go to his first day with him.

First day of Sunday School

Dancing fools

K1 took my picture. One day shy of 25 weeks.

My boys

K1 took this one too.  Not to shabby!

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